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the Lady rose higher


"Of Mungo Jerry's Lady Rose
  I've had enough
  I had my dose
the pink punk boob with a pale nose
said for herself

from the steps where
she just sat frozen
she had thrown roses away,
by dozens
now wishes they were back
- her cousins
so they would let her in

a cold wind blows
as the girl she rose
her fist in the mist
like she was to spread a cause
all by herself

the balloon she holds
sitting there outdoors
claims a word : "My Rose"
for everyone to read it

front-door closed
the girl writes more prose
inner rhymes she grows
in a line that shows
a bit more of herself
for anyone to catch it

from behind her pose
the little house glows
colors melt like sauce
on its sticky walls
the girl she just ignores it

the day after
the lady rose higher

pour une Bulle Dorée, d'Anne
"maison de la semaine")

norbert tiniak © 2008 - DUKOU ZUMIN &ditions TwalesK


  • Frenchanglais ploestry you write comme cela, that's famous à lire. J'adore !!!!

    Could you encore writing another like it ? Please d'avance.

    A très bientôt/ Mes hommages, bises.

  • Toujours aussi en verve, mon cher ami, et même dans la langue de Shakespeare...

  • aaah mais, toi, fais gaffe, hein! si tu me prends par les sentiments, je vais t'en servir du Tiny Boy Toy, moi.
    tsi hi (sur l'air de hin hin).

  • Ah oui? Tu m'embaucherais bien comme se(x)crétaire dans ta boîte? À corriger toutes les fautes d'orthographe et à m'appeler "Chère mademoiselle Giovanna... Oups! J'oubliais... Madame Tiny Boy..."? Waaaaa...

  • La Storia en mode Waaaaa sur 'pavupapri', y a qu'ici que tu vois des trucs comme ça, non ?

  • Finalement, j'aime trop Parigi et la Seine-Et-Marne pour venir me lézarder au soleil...

  • La Sto en mode lézardo-parigot (s'offre une marnothérapie ?), tsi hi!

  • To write poetry in a language that is not your mother tongue is incredibly difficult. However you have put in a great effort here and it's very much an intriguing poem.

    You should definitely continue.

    Thank you for entering it into my poetry prompt. :)

  • thanx to YOU, Ed'.

    I've tried to include some of your widget, but it collapsed! -- seems to have NO PIX in it, only the link works...

    can you check this ?

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